- https://www.seas.upenn.edu/~cis194/spring13/lectures.html
- https://github.com/system-f/fp-course
- A Gentle Introduction to Haskell Version 98 (2000)
- Real World Haskell
- Learn You a Haskell for Greater Good
- Piece of Haskell (하스켈 문서 모음)
- Free Haskell books online
- Monads for functional programming, hands down one of the best resources for how and why you can use monads.
- A monad is not a burrito, despite the fact that the examples are in Clojure, this video contains a fantastic couple of examples for when to use monads. This one is great because it contains zero "theory".
- Monad Transformers Step by Step, this is the best documentation available for the MTL library.
- Typeclassopedia, I didn't find this document until 6 months after starting with Haskell, hopefully this is getting to you sooner. This fully explains the important typeclasses in Haskell, including Monad, Applicative, Arrow, etc.
- What I wish I knew when learning Haskell
- https://gist.github.com/bitemyapp/8739525 - Learning Haskell
- http://www.stephendiehl.com/posts/essential_haskell.html - Extended Reading List
Search codes
- Yesod, based on template Haskell, can sometimes feel like magic.
- Snap, based on combinators.
- Happstack, based on combinators.
- Scotty, drop dead simple, one monad for the routing table (ScottyT) and one monad for each route (ActionT)
- Vector, efficient array manipulation. Support for boxed and unboxed types.
- Repa, regular array library, supports N-dimensional arrays, automatic support for parallel processing.
- Accelerate, regular array library, supports N-dimensional arrays, can offload computation to a CUDA enabled GPU.
- http://www.haskellforall.com - blog